GRE FutureRep Blog

Week 2

Learning how to do holograms beams, referencing those in Night City of Cyberpunk 2077.

I used this tutorial to learn how to create moving textures and from there developed my own nodes for this purpose.


Holo Beam Node Graph. It is a simple panner node with a couple of overlaying texture nodes to create the effect.

Holo beams in City

Started Kitbashing “Cyber Wharf”. Most are low LoD as they will be viewed from a far as a midground and background element. With Cesium breaking down at more human scales, I have to rebuild/create individual street for scenes.

Street overlay

A lot more work need to be done.

Following this tutorial to learn how to make holograms and animated holograms. Assets used from the tutorial files as well.

Premade assets were scalped through other free tutorial files provided by various youtubers. Large number of them these free downloadable tutorial project files redistributed parts of KB3D’s Cyberpunk and CyberDistrict packs which I had to reassemble within Unreal.

Megascans by Quixel provide a lot of premade material file.

Materials tutorial

Adrian Nizam